Tinga Tinga

From the most humble of beginnings, Edward Saidi Tingatinga, the founder of the famous Tinga Tinga Art, born in 1932 in a tiny village called Namochelia in Mindu area, near the village of Nakapanya in the South of Tanzania slowly and subtlety began a movement in Tanzania that would subsequently revolutionize the way art in Tanzania would be made.

Tinga Tinga Art began as a simple idea: Use recycled, low-cost materials, like masonite squares, ceramic fragments, and bicycle paint.
His style was naïve, bordering on surrealistic and humorous; most of his subjects were stereotypical African icons, such as wildlife or savannah landscapes.
Edward’s Tingatinga’s paintings became very popular among European residents and tourists, and he was subsequently able to transition his previously part time job to a full time profession as an artist.
Tinga Tinga Art and Paintings in collaboration with the Tinga Tinga Arts Cooperative Society (TACS) has established an online marketing of this unique handcrafted, one-of-a-kind Art from Tanzania.
Visit www.tingatingaart.com to see the Tinga Tinga Art collection.

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